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How Do I Alias A Command Line Command? (mac)

I'm on a mac, and I write quite a bit of python scripts. Every time I need to run them, I have to type 'python'. Is there I way to make it so I only have to type l

Solution 1:

I am assuming you are running your script from the command line right? If so, add the following line as the first line in your script:


or alternatively

#!/usr/bin/env python

in case the python command is not located in /usr/bin, and then issue the following command once at the Unix/terminal prompt (it makes your script "executable"):

chmod +x

from then on you only need to type the name of the script at the command prompt to run it. No python part of the command needed. I.e., simply


will run the script.

You can also of course go with the alias, but the above is a cleaner solution in my opinion.

For the alias

alias p="python"

should go into your ~/.bashrc file

Solution 2:

Solution 3:

You can add an alias to your ~/.profile file:

alias p="python"

Note that you can also make a Python script executable with chmod +x You can then execute it using:


You will need to add the following line to the top of your Python code for this to work:

#!/usr/bin/env python

This is called shebang.

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