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Appending Variable To Text File Not Working In Python

I am trying to get my program to output two variables to a text file after it finishes running something but all I get is the folder and no text files inside of it. Here is the cod

Solution 1:

ClassOfStudent is a string rather than a number, so none of the code that writes to the file will get executed. You can easily verify that by adding a print statement under each if so you can see if that code is being executed.

The solution is to compare to strings, or convert ClassOfStudent to an i teger.

Solution 2:

Use print(repr(ClassOfStudent)) to show the value and type:

>>>ClassOfStudent = input("Which class are you in?")
Which class are you in?2

Using input() in Python 3 will read the value in as a string. You need to either convert it to an int or do the comparison against a string.

ClassOfStudent = int(input("Which class are you in?")

should fix your problem.

Solution 3:

first you have a problem with the "". you have to correct the following:

if ClassOfStudent==2: #write scores to class 1 text
            file_var = open("Class 2.txt",'w+')
            file_var.write("name, score")
if ClassOfStudent==3: #write scores to class 1 text
            file_var = open("Class 3.txt",'w+')
            file_var.write("name, score")

notice that I added the "" inside the write. In any case, I think what you want is something like: file_var.write("name %s, score %s"%(name,score)). This should be more appropriate.

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