Ftplib Python: Noop Command Works In Ascii Not Binary
I have a threaded FTP script. While the data socket is receiving the data, a threaded loop sends NOOP commands to the control socket to keep control connection alive during large
Solution 1:
confirms that server only sends 226 Transfer complete.
after entire file was sent by the server.
I suspect that's part of FTP specification.
In fact, look at retrbinary
code in ftplib.py
self.voidcmd('TYPE I')
conn = self.transfercmd(cmd, rest)
data = conn.recv(blocksize)
if not data:
return self.voidresp()
The last line expects to get tranfer result (as known to server) only after tranfer is complete.
In fact it seems your code is missing voidresp()
I am not very familiar with ftp, from what I've seen background downloaders like lftp
actually open new control connection for each parallel download.
You have a valid concern if your file is really large.
There are many extensions to FTP, there may be something that does what you want.
Alternatively you can make a loop likes this:
pos = 0whilenot full file:
command REST
download for a while in separate thread
command ABRT
waitfor separate thread to abort
pos += length of downloaded chunk
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