Make One Pdf File Of Python Documentation
The Python official site offers PDF documentation downloads, but they are separated by chapters. I downloaded the source code and built the PDF documentation, which were separate P
Solution 1:
If you already have PDFs, there is no need to re-create them. Instead, use something like PDF Split & Merge or PDFArchitect.
--- edit ---
Since the above mentioned solutions work only partially, I googled a bit and found sejda. You can download latest version here.
sejda-console merge -f PDFfile_1.pdfPDFfile_2.pdf -o PDFoutput.pdf
I tried it and it works as expected.
Try sejda-console -h merge
for other options (i.e. specify dir with PDFs instead single files, etc.)
Solution 2:
apt-get install poppler
pdfunite *.pdf all.pdf
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