Plotting In A Loop (with Basemap And Pyplot)....problems With Pyplot.clf()
I am plotting some weather data for a research project. The plot consists of 18 timesteps. I decided the best way to accomplish this was to make a new plot for each timestep, sav
Solution 1:
Try making a new figure instead of using clf().
for i in range(timesteps):
fig = pyplot.figure()
Alternatively (and faster) you could just update the data in your image object (returned by imshow()).
e.g. something like (completely untested):
map_init #[Basemap Instance]
extra_shapes #[Basemap.readshapefile object]#plot the weather data for current timestep to current plot
img = map_init.imshow(data[0])
# extra_shapes are county boundaries. Plot those as polygons
plygn = pyplot.Polygon(map_init.extra_shapes[0])
# Plot the state boundaries (in basemap)
# add a colorbar
for i in range(timestamps):
However, there's a chance that that method might not play well with basemap. I may also be misremembering the correct way to redraw the figure, but I'm fairly sure it's just plt.draw()...
Hope that helps a bit anyway
Edit: Just noticed that you're drawing your polygons inside of a loop, as well. Updated the second example to properly reflect that.
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