Pybluez 'module Object Has No Attribute 'discover_devices'
I'm fairly new to python and I'm trying to get Pybluez to work for me. Here is what happens when i try to discover bluetooth devises. import bluetooth nearby_devices = bluetooth.d
Solution 1:
I had the same problem, I did the mistake of naming my program file
, which confused python for the package resolution, you should look out for this silly mistake if this is the case .
If this is not the case then try to put your file in the directory where your bluetooth directory (in my case, C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages
) is located and then run it from there, it worked for me.
Solution 2:
I faced same issue because i have taken my file name
.For that reason python unable to understand which file be execute.
Please rename your file then it will be work.
Solution 3:
rename the file to any other name, except ""
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