Two Parter: Django Book Recommendation + Django Real World Advice
Solution 1:
As for books:
- There's the free Django Book
- I really like Practical Django Projects
- Amazon has a couple more. Generally, if it's written or edited by one of the Django core devs, it should be worth the money. But pay attention that you don't buy an edition for an obsolete Django version (e.g. 0.96)
- Like others said, the official documentation is top notch, and #django on freenode and the mailing list can help with specific problems
And the second question:
- before developing an app yourself, look if there isn't already something similar on Google Code, GitHub or Bitbucket. There's an incredible number of useful django apps around
- learn to love generic views
Solution 2:
Answer to first question:
- IRC Channel #django on freenode
- Django Tutorial
- Django Documentation
- Django Source
- Django Book
Answer to second question:
- Learn Python
- Read the Django source
- Django Packages provides comparison grids of apps.
- Django Pluggables: Reusable Django apps
- virtualenv, virtualenvwrapper, & pip
- Use version control
Yes, I added "Django source" to both, and I dropped it one more time here.
Solution 3:
a. Use the IRC Channel mentioned #django on freenode
b. Use stackoverflow whenever you have questions you will get well informed answers in minutes but it seems like you got that one locked down.
c. The django book at (you'll want the second version in english i suspect)
d. The django documentation found at
e. Django Snippets found at (good for simple snippets of code just like it sounds)
f. A django book I like a lot is by Apress called Practical Django Projects, Second Edition found here:
e. Nice django/python video tutorials found here for example: (these really helped me get started) Showmedo also has other great video tutorials on django.
Tips ... umm use the links/ideas above ... a lot.
Solution 4:
The single greatest thing you can do to make your life with Django better is -Learn Python-
I have watched people inundate the mailing lists and IRC with problems directly related to their lack of language knowledge. I am not even talking about hard concepts, but rather things like this example interaction:
User: How do I display all the things in a query Developer: It's an iterable list. You do it the same way you would with any list User: Uh, I'm new to python how do I do that.
That is an example of what you don't want to be asking when you try to get django help.
Solution 5:
I've only just started with it, but I've found the Django project's own online documentation to be entirely sufficient for me with regards to Django per se.
I Lie! there was one point I couldn't quite understand early in my experience; at the bottom of each page on they mention several ways to find help, so I used the IRC channel and my question was answered immediately, more than satisfactorily, and entirely unceremoneously. I was elated!
After that the documentation was entirely useful on it's own..
Wait! again, not quite true.. I use wikipedia and google to fill in the gaps in my knowledge while reading.. but I think it's reasonable to assume most people do that or something similar...
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