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Where To Call Join() When Multiprocessing

When using multiprocessing in Python, I usually see examples where the join() function is called in a separate loop to where each process was actually created. For example, this: p

Solution 1:

join() is blocking operation.

In first example you start 10 processes and then you are waiting for all procces to finish. All processes are running at same time.

In second example you start one process at time and you are waiting for finish before you start another process. There is only one running process at same time

First example:

def wait()

# You start10 processes
for i inrange(10):
    p = Process(target=wait)

# Onesecond after all processes can be finished you check them alland finish
for p in processes:

Execution time of whole script can be near one second.

Second example:

for i in range(10):
    p = Process(target=wait) # Here you start one process 
    p.join() # Here you will have to wait one second before process finished.

Execution time of whole script can be near 10 seconds!.

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