Convert A Column In Pandas Of Hh:mm To Minutes
Solution 1:
I suggest you avoid row-wise calculations. You can use a vectorised approach with Pandas / NumPy:
df = pd.DataFrame({'time': ['02:32', '02:14', '02:31', '02:15', '02:28', '02:15',
'02:22', '02:16', '02:22', '02:14', np.nan]})
values = df['time'].fillna('00:00').str.split(':', expand=True).astype(int)
factors = np.array([60, 1])
df['mins'] = (values * factors).sum(1)
time mins
0 02:32 152
1 02:14 134
2 02:31 151
3 02:15 135
4 02:28 148
5 02:15 135
6 02:22 142
7 02:16 136
8 02:22 142
9 02:14 134
10 NaN 0
Solution 2:
If you want to use split
you will need to use the str
accessor, ie s.str.split(':')
However I think that in this case it makes more sense to use apply
df = pd.DataFrame({'Enroute_time_(hh mm)': ['02:32', '02:14', '02:31',
'02:15', '02:28', '02:15',
'02:22', '02:16', '02:22', '02:14']})
def convert_to_minutes(value):
hours, minutes = value.split(':')
return int(hours) * 60 + int(minutes)
df['Enroute_time_(hh mm)'] = df['Enroute_time_(hh mm)'].apply(convert_to_minutes)
# Enroute_time_(hh mm)# 0 152# 1 134# 2 151# 3 135# 4 148# 5 135# 6 142# 7 136# 8 142# 9 134
Solution 3:
I understood that you have a column in a DataFrame with multiple Timedeltas as Strings. Then you want to extract the total minutes of the Deltas. After that you want to fill the NaN values with the median of the total minutes.
import pandas as pddf= pd.DataFrame(
{'hhmm' : ['02:32',
Your Timedeltas are not Timedeltas. They are strings. So you need to convert them first.
df.hhmm = pd.to_datetime(df.hhmm, format='%H:%M') df.hhmm = pd.to_timedelta(df.hhmm - pd.datetime(1900, 1, 1))
This gives you the following values (Note the dtype: timedelta64[ns] here)
Now that you have true timedeltas, you can use some cool functions like
and then calculate the minutes.df.hhmm.dt.total_seconds() / 60
If that is not what you wanted, you can also use the following.
This gives you the minutes from the HH:MM string as if you would have split it.
Fill the na-values.
df.hhmm.fillna((df.hhmm.dt.total_seconds() / 60).mean())
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