How To Change Chart Type Based On User Slection Radion Button In Bokeh
enter image description here I want to change bokeh chart at run time when click on a radio button. Here is what I've tried till now: import numpy as np import pandas as pd from
Solution 1:
The vbar_stack
returns a list of glyphs so you need to toggle visibility each of them separately like this:
from bokeh.plotting import show, figure
from bokeh.models import RadioGroup, CustomJS, Row
from bokeh.models.sources import ColumnDataSource
import pandas as pd
data = {'fruits' : ['Apples', 'Pears', 'Nectarines', 'Plums', 'Grapes', 'Strawberries'],
'2015' : [2, 1, 4, 3, 2, 4],
'2016' : [5, 3, 4, 2, 4, 6],
'2017' : [3, 2, 4, 4, 5, 3]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
df['total'] = df.sum(axis = 1)
p = figure(x_range = data['fruits'], title = "Fruit Counts by Year", tools = "hover", tooltips = "$name @fruits: @$name")
vbar_stack = p.vbar_stack(["2015", "2016", "2017"], x = 'fruits', width = 0.9, color = ["#c9d9d3", "#718dbf", "#e84d60"], source = data)
vbar = p.vbar(x = 'fruits', width = 0.5, top = 'total', source = ColumnDataSource(df))
vbar.visible = False
radiogroup = RadioGroup(labels = ["StackedBar", "Bar"], active = 0,)
radiogroup.callback = CustomJS(args = dict(vbar_stack = vbar_stack, vbar = vbar), code = """
for (i in vbar_stack)
vbar_stack[i].visible = false;
vbar.visible = false;
if ( == 0)
for (i in vbar_stack)
vbar_stack[i].visible = true;
else if ( == 1)
vbar.visible = true; """)
layout = Row(p, radiogroup)
Solution 2:
See below your code with some small corrections:
import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from import value
from bokeh.models.widgets import Paragraph, PreText, RadioButtonGroup
from bokeh.layouts import widgetbox
from bokeh.models.widgets import CheckboxGroup, RadioGroup
from bokeh.layouts import column, row
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, LabelSet, CustomJS, Row
from bokeh.plotting import figure, show, save
from bokeh.transform import dodge
from bokeh.palettes import Viridis
colors = ["#c9d9d3", "#718dbf", "#e84d60"]
dataframe = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'Experience.csv'))
source = ColumnDataSource(dataframe)
exp = dataframe['Experience']
ys = list(dataframe.keys())
TOOLTIPS = [("Experience", "@Experience")]
p = figure(x_range = exp, y_range = (0, 100), plot_height = 350, tools = ['hover', 'save', 'reset', 'zoom_out', 'zoom_in', 'pan', 'box_zoom'], tooltips = TOOLTIPS)
stacked = p.vbar_stack(stackers = ys, x = 'Experience', color = colors, source = source, legend = [value(x) for x in ys], name = ys, width = 0.5,)
colorList = Viridis[len(ys)]
labels = []
bars = []
for y, offset, color inzip(ys, [-0.25, 0, 0.25], colors):
bar = p.vbar(x = dodge('Experience', offset, range = p.x_range), top = y, width = 0.2, source = source, color = color)
bar.visible = False
radiogroup = RadioGroup(labels = ["StackedBar", "Bar"], active = 0,)
radiogroup.callback = CustomJS(args = dict(stacked = stacked, bars = bars), code = """
for (i in stacked)
stacked[i].visible = false;
for (i in bars)
bars[i].visible = false;
if ( == 0)
for (i in stacked)
stacked[i].visible = true;
else if ( == 1)
for (i in bars)
bars[i].visible = true; """)
layout = Row(p, radiogroup)
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