How To Produce An Ordered Sequence Of Vertices Of Polygon From A Discretized Cellular Representation Of Polygon
Here is the cellular representation of polygon shown:- Here is the extracted polygon shown. We are given the input as a matrix polM that stores 1 for pink cells and 2 for yellow
Solution 1:
and Y
are both 2xn
matrices specifying n
unordered vertexes, i.e. a line should be drawn between [X(1, i) Y(1, i)]
and [X(2, i) Y(2, i)]
for every i=1:n
. Because all the vertexes are connected, every point should occur twice in these X
and Y
matrices. Therefore, one can start at an arbitrary point on the polygon and search the next point iteratively. This can be done as follows:
% XY_from: a `nx2` matrix containing all starting points
% with a third column indicating if this vertex is already used
XY_from = [X(1, :)' Y(1, :)' zeros(size(X, 2), 1)];
XY_to = [X(2, :)' Y(2, :)' zeros(size(X, 2), 1)]; % similar matrix for destination points
new_poly = zeros(size(X, 2)+1, 2); % allocate output space
new_poly(1, :) = XY_from(1, 1:2); % select an arbitrary starting point
for i=2:size(new_poly, 1)
index = find(all([new_poly(i-1, :) 0] == XY_from, 2), 1); % search the previous (unused) point in the starting points
if isempty(index)
index = find(all([new_poly(i-1, :) 0] == XY_to, 2), 1); % if no point was found, search it in the destination points
new_poly(i, :) = XY_from(index, 1:2); % add the new point (corresponding with the found destination point)
new_poly(i, :) = XY_to(index, 1:2); % add the new point (corresponding with the found start point)
XY_from(index, 3) = 1; % indicate that this start point is used
XY_to(index, 3) = 1; % indicate that this destination point is used
hold on
plot(new_poly(:, 1), new_poly(:, 2), '--k', 'LineWidth', 2); % plot on top of the polygon
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