Pipenv On Windows: 'module' Object Is Not Callable
I'm having trouble using Pipenv on my Windows 10 machine. Initially, I got a timeout error while trying to run pipenv install and following this answer, I disabled W
Solution 1:
I recommend you to update your pipenv version by using
>>>python -m pip install --upgrade pip
>>> pip install --upgrade pipenv
And then try to install your module again
>>>pipenv install <module_name>
Solution 2:
Finally solved it. This is current issue, with a workaround for Windows:
pipenv run python -m pip install -U pip==18.0
Solution 3:
I got the same problem . It looks like problem happen with pip18.1 . However, you are using pip 18.0 . By the way, I solved by these commands . You can try it.
pipenv run pip install pip==18.0
pipenv install
Reference: https://github.com/pypa/pipenv/issues/2924
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