Replacing Class Name Beautifulsoup
I'm trying to parse an HTML document, and was wondering if you guys can help me out.
Solution 1:
You are looping over one element, and that only lists child elements. Because your selected tag has no child elements with further text (the <span style="mso-spacerun:yes">
element is empty), you don't see anything.
Just don't loop, get to the text directly:
print search.text
Your class change didn't break anything here.
>>>from bs4 import BeautifulSoup>>>soup = BeautifulSoup('''\...<tr height="21" style="height:15.75pt">... <td class="style14" height="21" style="height: 15.75pt">... 71... </td>... <td class="style14">... Breakeven... </td>... <td class="style10">... The Script... <span style="mso-spacerun:yes">... </span>... </td>... </tr>...''')>>>search =soup.find('td', class_='style10')>>>search['class']
>>>search['class'] = 'style14'>>>search['class']
[u'\n The Script\n ', <span style="mso-spacerun:yes">
</span>, u'\n']
u'\n The Script\n \n\n'
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