Scipy-interp2d Returned Function Sorts Input Argument Automatically And Undesirably
Following the documentation: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy import interpolate import numpy as np x = np.arange(-5.01, 5.01, 0.25) y = np.arange(-5.01, 5.01, 0.25) xx,
Solution 1:
Your f
callable takes an assume_sorted
assume_sorted : bool, optional
If False, valuesof `x` and `y` can be inanyorderand they are
sorted first.
If True, `x` and `y` have to be arrays of monotonically
increasing values.
So, yes, the inputs are sorted internally if you haven't sorted them before hand. I don't see a way of getting the sorted coordinates back.
The x
inputs to interp2d
are also sorted before use. Apparently the interpolation calculations require sorted arrays.
You can recover a pre-sort order with a double argsort
Make an array and shuffle it:
In [415]: xnew = np.arange(-10,11,2)
In [416]: xnew
Out[416]: array([-10, -8, -6, -4, -2, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10])
In [417]: np.random.shuffle(xnew)
In [418]: xnew
Out[418]: array([ 0, 2, 6, -2, 10, -4, 8, -8, -10, -6, 4])
Get the recovery index:
In [419]: idx = np.argsort(np.argsort(xnew))
In [420]: idx
Out[420]: array([ 5, 6, 8, 4, 10, 3, 9, 1, 0, 2, 7], dtype=int32)
test it:
In [421]: np.sort(xnew)[idx]
Out[421]: array([ 0, 2, 6, -2, 10, -4, 8, -8, -10, -6, 4])
Solution 2:
Based on hpaulj's answer, you could define a new class that returns the unsorted array, e.g.,
from scipy.interpolate import interp2d
import numpy as np
def__call__(self, x, y, dx=0, dy=0):
unsorted_idxs = np.argsort(np.argsort(x))
return interp2d.__call__(self, x, y, dx=dx, dy=dy)[unsorted_idxs]
And then, in your example, you would have:
x = np.arange(-5.01, 5.01, 0.25)
y = np.arange(-5.01, 5.01, 0.25)
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y)
z = np.sin(xx+yy)
f = unsorted_interp2d(x, y, z, kind='cubic')
xnewrev=np.array(list(reversed(np.arange(-5.01, 5.01, 1e-2))))
f(xnewrev, 0)
# the expected output!
array([-0.96171273, -0.96171273, -0.96443103, ..., 0.96176018,
0.9589498 , 0.95603946])
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