Warning: `pyenv Init -` No Longer Sets Path. Macos
For the wrong reason I updated my pyenv, by running pyenv update, after this every time when I open a new console I got this error WARNING: `pyenv init -` no longer sets PATH. Run
Solution 1:
Looks like you need to follow the suggested steps in the original error message
run `pyenv init` to see the necessary changes to make to your configuration.
I had the same message and all that I had to do was:
1- In .zprofile (in my case i didn't have one and I had to create it, in user root path) I added this:
Pyenv settings
export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME/.pyenv"export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"eval"$(pyenv init --path)"
2- In .zshrc I added:
eval"$(pyenv init -)"
and that was all
by the way your error:
Failed to initialize virtualenvwrapper.
Perhaps pyenv-virtualenvwrapper has not been loaded into your shell properly.
Please restart current shell andtry again.
is not directly related to that issue, maybe posting the fragment of yout .zshrc .bashprofile can help to understand better the problem if the fix does not work for you
I hope this works for you.
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