Azure Storage Error Using Python Sdk
Solution 1:
As mentioned in the error:
Request date header too old: 'Tue, 24 Mar 2015 09:06:59 GMT'
You will get this error if difference between the date/time on your computer (in UTC) and date/time on Azure Storage Server is more than 15-20 minutes (your computer's date/time is behind that of Azure).
Essentially what happens is that when a request is sent to Azure Storage Service (e.g. create container) the SDK takes the local date/time of your computer, converts it into UTC and then sends it to Azure along with the request (as a request header either date or x-ms-date). Upon receiving the request, among other things Azure Storage service compares this date/time with its date/time and if the difference is more than 15-20 minutes (your clock is behind), Azure Storage service throws the error you're getting. This is done as a security measure so that in case somebody got hold of your request can't replay the request over and over again.
Solution 2:
I get similar errors due to clock skew after resuming WSL 2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux) sessions from sleep then using the Azure cli from the bash/zsh command line. This fixes the clock:
sudo hwclock -s -v
See: Fixing clock skew with WSL 2
Update: This bug seems to be fixed in WSL kernel version After upgrading, I haven't seen it. See:
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