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Cursor.rowcount Always -1 In Sqlite3 In Python3k

I am trying to get the rowcount of a sqlite3 cursor in my Python3k program, but I am puzzled, as the rowcount is always -1, despite what Python3 docs say (actually it is contradict

Solution 1:

From the documentation:

As required by the Python DB API Spec, the rowcount attribute “is -1 in case no executeXX() has been performed on the cursor or the rowcount of the last operation is not determinable by the interface”.

This includes SELECT statements because we cannot determine the number of rows a query produced until all rows were fetched.

That means allSELECT statements won't have a rowcount. The behaviour you're observing is documented.

EDIT: Documentation doesn't say anywhere that rowcountwill be updated after you do a fetchall() so it is just wrong to assume that.

Solution 2:

cursor = newdb.execute('select * from mydb;')

The fetchall() will return a list of the rows returned from the select. Len of that list will give you the rowcount.

Solution 3:

Solution 4:

Instead of "checking if a fetchone() returns something different than None", I suggest:

cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM foobar')
for row in cursor:

this is sqlite-only (not supported in other DB API implementations) but very handy for sqlite-specific Python code (and fully documented, see

Solution 5:

I've spent too long trying to find this, if you use this line you would want to use the .rowcount it should work for you. I'm using it to check if my statement will return any data.

if (len(cursor.execute(sql).fetchall())) < 1: # checks there will be data by seeing if the length of the list make when getting the data is at least 1print("No data gathered from statement") #else:

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