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Importing From A Package In Idle Vs Shell

Importing a whole package works in IDLE, but not in shell. The following works fine in IDLE: import tkinter as tk tk.filedialog.askopenfilename() In shell, I get this error: Attri

Solution 1:

This is an IDLE bug which I fixed for future 3.5.3 and 3.6.0a4 releases. Tracker issue.

For an existing 3.5 or 3.4 release, add the following to idlelib/ just before the LOCALHOST line.

formodin ('simpledialog', 'messagebox', 'font',
            'dialog', 'filedialog', 'commondialog',
    delattr(tkinter, mod)
    del sys.modules['tkinter.' + mod]

I presume that this will work with earlier 3.x releases, but do not have them installed to test. For existing 3.6.0a_ releases, replace 'colorchooser' with 'ttk'.

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