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Internal Server Error While Entering Points Using Json In Influxdb

I am trying to Enter points using JSON in InfluxDB version 0.9. I run localhost:8083 on my browser. It is enabling me to create a DB, but when I try to enter the points using JSON,

Solution 1:

You must specify the database and the retention policy to which the points should be written, as on the docs page Erik referenced:

For example:

    "database": "mydb",
    "retentionPolicy": "default",
    "points": [
            "name": "cpu_load_short",
            "tags": {
                "host": "server01",
                "region": "us-west"
            "time": "2009-11-10T23:00:00Z",
            "fields": {
                "value": 0.64

If you are using someone else's Python API are you certain it's compatible with InfluxDB 0.9? Many clients are only compatible with 0.8.x and there are significant breaking changes to the API between the two versions.

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