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Python Pyside (internal C++ Object Already Deleted)

I recently decided to write my first app with Python and PySide. But I have a problem and hope you guys can help. Python keeps raising exceptions that the 'Internal C++ Object' is

Solution 1:

After some searching and hair pulling, I found the solution. I was showing all the pages by setting them as the central widget, and when reading the QMainWindow documentation I found that my widget basically gets deleted by qt as stated:

Note: QMainWindow takes ownership of the widget pointer and deletes it at the appropriate time.

So to develop a Multi-Page application rather take a look at QStackedWidget.

Solution 2:

See here: PySide Pitfalls.

If a QObject falls out of scope in Python, it will get deleted. You have to take care of keeping a reference to the object:

  • Store it as an attribute of an object you keep around, e.g. self.window = QMainWindow()
  • Pass a parent QObject to the object’s constructor, so it gets owned by the parent

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