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Tempfile.temporaryfile Vs. Stringio

I've written a little benchmark where i compare different string concatenating methods for ZOCache. So it looks here like tempfile.TemporaryFile is faster than anything else: $ pyt

Solution 1:

Your biggest problem: Per tdelaney, you never actually ran the TemporaryFile test; you omitted the parens in the timeit snippet (and only for that test, the others actually ran). So you were timing the time taken to lookup the name bench_temporaryfile, but not to actually call it. Change:

print(str(timeit.timeit('bench_temporaryfile', setup="from __main__ import bench_temporaryfile", number=1000)) + " TemporaryFile")


print(str(timeit.timeit('bench_temporaryfile()', setup="from __main__ import bench_temporaryfile", number=1000)) + " TemporaryFile")

(adding parens to make it a call) to fix.

Some other issues:

io.StringIO is fundamentally different from your other test cases. Specifically, all the other types you're testing with operate in binary mode, reading and writing str, and avoiding line ending conversions. io.StringIO uses Python 3 style strings (unicode in Python 2), which your tests acknowledge by using different literals and converting to unicode instead of bytes. This adds a lot of encoding and decoding overhead, as well as using a lot more memory (unicode uses 2-4x the memory of str for the same data, which means more allocator overhead, more copy overhead, etc.).

The other major difference is that you're setting a truly huge bufsize for TemporaryFile; few system calls would need to occur, and most writes are just appending to contiguous memory in the buffer. By contrast, io.StringIO is storing the individual values written, and only joining them together when you ask for them with getvalue().

Also, lastly, you think you're being forward compatible by using the bytes constructor, but you're not; in Python 2 bytes is an alias for str, so bytes(10) returns '10', but in Python 3, bytes is a totally different thing, and passing an integer to it returns a zero initialized bytes object of that size, bytes(10) returns b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'.

If you want a fair test case, at the very least switch to cStringIO.StringIO or io.BytesIO instead of io.StringIO and write bytes uniformly. Typically, you wouldn't explicitly set the buffer size for TemporaryFile and the like yourself, so you might consider dropping that.

In my own tests on Linux x64 with Python 2.7.10, using ipython's %timeit magic, the ranking is:

  1. io.BytesIO ~48 μs per loop
  2. io.StringIO ~54 μs per loop (so unicode overhead didn't add much)
  3. cStringIO.StringIO ~83 μs per loop
  4. TemporaryFile ~2.8 ms per loop (note units; ms is 1000x longer than μs)

And that's without going back to default buffer sizes (I kept the explicit bufsize from your tests). I suspect the behavior of TemporaryFile will vary a lot more (depending on the OS and how temporary files are handled; some systems might just store in memory, others might store in /tmp, but of course, /tmp might just be a RAMdisk anyway).

Something tells me you may have a setup where the TemporaryFile is basically a plain memory buffer that never goes to the file system, where mine may be ultimately ending up on persistent storage (if only for short periods); stuff happening in memory is predictable, but when you involve the file system (which TemporaryFile can, depending on OS, kernel settings, etc.), the behavior will differ a great deal between systems.

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