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Find Closest Value Pairs And Calculate Mean In Python

I have a dataframe as follows: import pandas as pd import numpy as np import random np.random.seed(5) df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(100, size=(100, 3)), c

Solution 1:

I'd use numpy here:

In [11]: x = df.values

In [12]: x.sort()

In [13]: (x[:, 1:] + x[:, :-1])/2
array([[69.5, 88.5],
       [12. , 44.5],
       [28.5, 46. ],
       [41.5, 78. ],
       [34. , 66.5]])

In [14]: np.diff(x)
array([[17, 21],
       [ 8, 57],
       [ 3, 32],
       [69,  4],
       [38, 27]])

In [15]: np.diff(x).argmin(axis=1)
Out[15]: array([0, 0, 0, 1, 1])

In [16]: ((x[:, 1:] + x[:, :-1])/2)[np.arange(len(x)), np.diff(x).argmin(axis=1)]
Out[16]: array([69.5, 12. , 28.5, 78. , 66.5])

In [17]: df["D"] = ((x[:, 1:] + x[:, :-1])/2)[np.arange(len(x)), np.diff(x).argmin(axis=1)]

Solution 2:

Assuming that you require an additional column D having the mean of the value pair which has the least difference among the three possible pairs: (colA, colB), (colB, colC) and (colC, colA), following code should work:


    nonNanValues = [x for x inlist(row) ifstr(x) != 'nan']
    numOfNonNaN = len(nonNanValues) 
    if(numOfNonNaN == 0): return0if(numOfNonNaN == 1): return nonNanValues[0]
    if(numOfNonNaN == 2): return np.mean(nonNanValues)
    if(numOfNonNaN == 3):
        minDiffPairIndex = np.argmin( [abs(row['A']-row['B']), abs(row['B']-row['C']), abs(row['C']-row['A']) ])      
        meanDict = {0: np.mean([row['A'], row['B']]), 1: np.mean([row['B'], row['C']]), 2: np.mean([row['C'], row['A']])}
        return meanDict[minDiffPairIndex]

df['D'] = df.apply(meanFunc, axis=1)

Above code handles the NaN values in rows in the way that if all three values are NaN then column D has value 0, if two values are NaN then non-NaN value is assigned to column D and if there exists exactly one NaN then the mean of remaining two is assigned to column D.


def meanFunc(row):
    minDiffPairIndex = np.argmin( [abs(row['A']-row['B']), abs(row['B']-row['C']), abs(row['C']-row['A']) ])      
    meanDict = {0: np.mean([row['A'], row['B']]), 1: np.mean([row['B'], row['C']]), 2: np.mean([row['C'], row['A']])}
    return meanDict[minDiffPairIndex]

df['D'] = df.apply(meanFunc, axis=1)

Hope I understood your question correctly.

Solution 3:

This may not be the fastest way of doing this but it's very straightforward.

def func(x):
    a,b,c = x
    diffs = np.abs(np.array([a-b,a-c,b-c]))
    means = np.array([(a+b)/2,(a+c)/2,(b+c)/2])
    return means[diffs.argmin()]

df["D"] = df.apply(func,axis=1)

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