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Generate All Combinations With Maximum Difference Of Consecutive Elements

I would like to generate combinations with length 9 out of a sorted list (length 150) without any repeated values: 24, 110, 157, 256, 278, 368, 416, 502, 593, 666, 751, 801, 827,

Solution 1:

To sort the output you can use python's sorted() function.

Full code:

import itertools, random

  result = set()
  for lower in nums:
     options = [n for n in nums if lower <= n <= lower + 150] 
     result.update(itertools.combinations(options, 9))
  return result

unsorted = combs([random.randrange(0, 5000) for _ inrange(150)])

# Go through each element in your set and sort it - must convert result to tuple
sorted_set = set()
for elem in unsorted:
  elem = tuple(sorted(elem))

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