How To Convert Json File Into Csv Using Python
Solution 1:
It's simple.
for result in resp:
if count ==0:
print("No Data to Read")
It's unnecessary if
for result in resp:
Solution 2:
You can try with pandas, read the file with pandas.read_json and save it with .to_csv
Solution 3:
You are iterating through list and every list item is a dictionary . So instead of csvWriter.writerow(result.values)
you should
you can write key , value pairs of dictionary as you wish in here. You can write "key1,key2" then next line "value1,value2". or create a header with keys before loop then write values in every line for each item in the list. See more examples on this link How do I write a Python dictionary to a csv file?
why do you skip the first item in the list and doing json to string and back to json again. You might want to check these again
response_value = response.json()
#<class 'list'>response_value = json.dumps(response_value)
#<class 'str'>resp = json.loads(response_value)
#<class 'list'>
Also, it might not be really good idea to share tokens and real urls in public domain
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