How To Have User Input Date And Subtract From It
Solution 1:
Since you are importing the class using
from datetime import tzinfo, timedelta, datetime
you are no longer importing the whole datetime module under that name, but individual classes directly into your script's namespace. Therefore your input parsing statement should look like this:
d1 = datetime.strptime(userIn, "%m/%d/%y") # You are no longer
The following will give you the difference in seconds between now and the entered time:
t = ( - d1).total_seconds()
And as for the second part, there are many ways to implement a timer. One simple way is
import timetime.sleep(t)
Here is the whole thing together:
from datetime import tzinfo, timedelta, datetime
isValid=Falsewhilenot isValid:
userIn = raw_input("Type Date: mm/dd/yy: ")
d1 = datetime.strptime(userIn, "%m/%d/%y")
print"Invalid Format!\n"return d1
t = (ObtainDate() -
print t
Solution 2:
Your code has a few simple errors. This version works (though I'm not sure exactly what you need, it should get you past your immediate problem).
from datetime import datetime
userIn = raw_input("Type Date: mm/dd/yy: ")
return datetime.strptime(userIn, "%m/%d/%y")
except ValueError:
print"Invalid Format!\n"
t0 =
t1 = ObtainDate()
td = (t1 - t0)
print t0
print t1
print td
print td.total_seconds()
Your main problem was that you were not calling your function. I have also simplified your while loop to an infinite loop. The return statement will break out of the loop unless it raises an error.
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