Make Empty File For Each Subfolder Using Subfolders' Name In Python
If I have a folder structure as follows: folder \ sub1\sub1_1 \ sub1\sub1_2 \ sub1\sub1_3 . . . \ sub2\sub2_1 \ sub2
Solution 1:
You can do that recursively:
from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join
mypath = "add/your/path"
def write_files(path):
folders = [f for f in listdir(path) ifnot isfile(join(path, f))]
iflen(folders) == 0:
#Writing the actual File
open(path+"/"+path.split("/")[-1]+".xlsx", "w+")
for folder in folders:
Note that this will only create textfiles with an xlsx ending and not actual excel files. Therefore you can install some library that is capable of creating excel files
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