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Reading Boolean Condition From Config File?

What's the best way to read a condition from a config file in Python using ConfigParser and json? I want to read something like: [mysettings] x >= 10 y < 5 and then apply it

Solution 1:

I don't think you want—or need—to use both configparserandjson, as both are sufficient by itself. Here's how to do it with each one:

Say you had a config file from a trusted source that contained something like this:


    x >= 10
    y < 5
    x + y >= 6

It could parsed and used like this:

from __future__ import print_function
    import configparser
except ImportError:  # Python 2
    import ConfigParser as configparser

get_lambda = lambda expr: lambda **kwargs: bool(eval(expr, kwargs))

cp = configparser.ConfigParser()'myconfig.ini')

exprs = cp.get('mysettings', 'conds').strip()
conds = [expr for expr in exprs.split('\n')]

l = get_lambda(conds[0])
l2 = get_lambda(conds[1])
l3 = get_lambda(conds[2])

def formatted(l, c, **d):
    return '{:^14} : {:>10} -> {}'.format(
        ', '.join('{} = {}'.format(var, val) for var, val in sorted(d.items())), c, l(**d))

l = get_lambda(conds[0])
print('l(x=42): {}'.format(l(x=42)))
print(formatted(l, conds[0], x=42))
print(formatted(l2, conds[1], y=6))
print(formatted(l3, conds[2], x=3, y=4))

Which would result in the following output:

l(x=42): True

    x = 42     :    x >= 10 -> True
    y = 6      :      y < 5 -> False
 x = 3, y = 4  : x + y >= 6 -> True

If the information the was instead kept in a JSON-format file similar to this:


    "mysettings": {
        "other": "stuff",
        "conds": [
          "x >= 10",
          "y < 5",
          "x + y >= 6"

It could be easily parsed with the json module and used in a similar fashion:

import json

withopen('myconfig.json') as file:
    settings = json.loads(

conds = settings['mysettings']['conds']

...the remainder would be the identical and produce the same results. i.e.:

l = get_lambda(conds[0])
print('l(x=42): {}'.format(l(x=42)))
print(formatted(l, conds[0], x=42))
print(formatted(l2, conds[1], y=6))
print(formatted(l3, conds[2], x=3, y=4))

Solution 2:

This is an example using Python itself as the language for describing the config file:

mysettings = [
    lambda x: x >= 10,
    lambda y: y < 5,

from config import mysettings

a =42
b =300for i, conditionin enumerate(mysettings):
    forvaluein (a, b):
        print "condition %s for value %s is: %s" % (i, value, result)


condition 0for value 42is: True
condition 0for value 300is: True
condition 1for value 42is: False
condition 1for value 300is: False

This of course assumes that the config file is considered trusted input, because by doing condition(value) you'll execute whatever function is defined in the config file.

But I don't see any way around that, regardless of what language you're using: conditions are expressions and therefore executable code. If you want to end up with a Python expression that you can just use in your code, you'll have to evaluate that expression sooner or later.


If for some reason you really can't use Python, this is how you could do it with a config file in JSON:


  "mysettings": {
    "color": "Blue",
    "expressions": [
      "x >= 10",
      "y < 5"
  "other_settings": {
    "color": "red"

import json

x = 42y = 300

def eval_expr(expr, values):
    result = eval(expr, values.copy())
    print"The expression '%s' evaluates to '%s' for the values %r" % (
                                                    expr, result, values)
    return result

f = open('config.json')
data = json.loads(
settings = data["mysettings"]

for expr in settings['expressions']:
    values = dict(x=x, y=y)
    eval_expr(expr, values)


The expression 'x >= 10' evaluates to 'True'for the values {'y': 300, 'x': 42}
The expression 'y < 5' evaluates to 'False'for the values {'y': 300, 'x': 42}

Or, closer to your example:

x = 1
y = 2
values = dict(x=x, y=y)

e1 = settings['expressions'][0]
if eval_expr(e1, values):
    # do something

e2 = settings['expressions'][1]
if eval_expr(e2, values):
    # do something else


The expression 'x >= 10' evaluates to 'False'for the values {'y': 2, 'x': 1}
The expression 'y < 5' evaluates to 'True'for the values {'y': 2, 'x': 1}

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