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Value Error In Multiplying Xarray Variable With 2d Numpy Array

import xarray as xr xr.open_dataset(path_netcdf, chunks={'time': 10}) flow_data = hndl_tran['val'] new_arr = flow_data * vba I get this error: *** ValueError: total size of new ar

Solution 1:

Make your numpy into an xarray object before you do the multiplication:

flow_data = xr.DataArray(hndl_tran['val'])

or vice versa

flow_data = np.array(flow_data)

Solution 2:

Building on @maxymoo's answer, you want to convert to a DataArray, but also supply dims, so operations with other arrays will work flow_data = xr.DataArray(hndl_tran['val'], dims=['date', 'id']), replacing date & id with the appropriate names

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