Converting An Array Dict To Xml In Python?
Solution 1:
As noted in the comments, your original question mixes attributes and elements. If you want everything as elements, you might be able to use dicttoxml
. For example:
from dicttoxml import dicttoxml
array = [
'time': {"hour":"1", "minute":"30","seconds": "40"}
'place': {"street":"40 something", "zip": "00000"}
xml = dicttoxml(array, custom_root='test', attr_type=False)
Produces the following XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><test><item><time><seconds>40</seconds><minute>30</minute><hour>1</hour></time></item><item><place><street>40 something</street><zip>00000</zip></place></item></test>
If you can convert your dictionary to:
dictionary = {
'time': {"hour":"1", "minute":"30","seconds": "40"},
'place': {"street":"40 something", "zip": "00000"}
Then your XML will look as desired.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><test><place><street>40 something</street><zip>00000</zip></place><time><seconds>40</seconds><minute>30</minute><hour>1</hour></time></test>
Note that, in general, the order of dictionary keys are not guaranteed, so if you want to preserve the order of keys in a dict
, you may want to check out collections.OrderedDict
Solution 2:
For simple cases, you can go with something like this:
defobject_to_xml(data: Union[dict, bool], root='object'):
xml = f'<{root}>'ifisinstance(data, dict):
for key, value in data.items():
xml += object_to_xml(value, key)
elifisinstance(data, (list, tuple, set)):
for item in data:
xml += object_to_xml(item, 'item')
xml += str(data)
xml += f'</{root}>'return xml
xml = object_to_xml([1, 2, 3], 'root')
# <root><item>1</item><item>2</item><item>3</item></root>
xml = object_to_xml({"name": "the matrix", "age": 20, "metadata": {"dateWatched":}}, 'movie')
# <movie><name>the matrix</name><age>20</age><metadata><dateWatched>2020-11-01 00:35:39.020358</dateWatched></metadata></movie>
Solution 3:
I ended up taking the solution from here, then adding a for-loop over the elements in your array. The output uses attributes instead of elements like you had asked, though.
Full code outside of that function is this. I ended up using regex to strip out the intermediate <test></test>
tags, then placed the on the outside at the end.
import re
array = [
'time': {"hour":"1", "minute":"30","seconds": "40"}
'place': {"street":"40 something", "zip": "00000"}
xml_title = "test"
xml_tag_pattern = re.compile(r'</?{}>'.format(xml_title))
inner_xml = re.sub(xml_tag_pattern, '', ''.join(dict2xml(e, root_node=tag_name) for e in array))
print('<{0}>{1}</{0}>'.format(xml_title, inner_xml))
The output is this (new lines added for clarity)
<test><timehour="1"seconds="40"minute="30"/><placestreet="40 something"zip="00000"/></test>
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