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Ros Publishing Array From Python Node

I'm new to ros+python and i'm trying to publish a 1-D array from python ros node. I used Int32MultiArray but i cant understand the concept of layout in multiarray. Can anyone expla

Solution 1:

The *MultiArray messages are a bit overkill in your case. I think it is much simpler if you create your own simple message type IntList for this (see this tutorial on how to create custom messages). The IntList.msg-file looks just like follows:

int32[] data

To publish a list with this message use the following snippet:

a=IntList() [3250,2682,6832,2296,8865,7796,6955,8236]

Note that you cannot directly publish the list but have to instantiate an IntList object and fill the data member of this object (this holds for all message types, even if you just want to publish a single integer!).

Solution 2:

You can use the following methods for python: pub = rospy.Publisher('chatter2', Float64MultiArray, queue_size=10) data_to_send = Float64MultiArray() # the data to be sent, initialise the array = array # assign the array with the value you want to send pub.publish(data_to_send)

Solution 3:

If you do want to use MultiArray, try:

array = []
my_array_for_publishing = Int32MultiArray(data=array)

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