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After Installing App Templatedoesnotexist Error

In virtualenv defaulting python3: First I removed my app myapp from project. And I created a new folder called django-myapp next main django project directory. Inside django-myapp

Solution 1:

You said you followed the tutorial, but I have to ask, did you create the manifest file? You didn't mention it, and only Python is included by default.

Create myapp/ and inside it add recursive-include myapp/templates *

That should ensure that python sdist creates the package with your templates directory recursively.


Ok, so I've just tested this on a project of mine.

- proj
  - injurytracker
    - templates
    - etc

In I've got packages=['injurytracker'], to include my package, and in I've got recursive-include injurytracker/templates * And when I check the dist.gz I've got my templates included.

As you've mentioned include_package_data, setting that either way, doesn't effect the template directory inclusion.

In your also import find_packages from setuptools, and in your setup method add somthing like this;

packages=find_packages(exclude=["project", "project.*"]),

For me that picks out all my python modules & files that I expect, migrations included.

Solution 2:

Do you have this in your

    'django.template.loaders.app_directories.Loader', # <--

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