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How To Make A Variable Change From The Text "1m" Into "1000000" In Python

I have variables with values like 1.7m 1.8k and 1.2b how can I convert them to a real number value for example 1.7m = 1700000 1.8k = 1800 1.2b = 1200000000

Solution 1:

I would define a dictionary:

tens = dict(k=10e3, m=10e6, b=10e9)


x='1.7m'factor, exp = x[0:-1], x[-1].lower()
ans = int(float(factor) * tens[exp])

Solution 2:

You might be interested in a units library like quantities or unum.

Solution 3:

Here is an example using re:

input = '17k, 14.05m, 1.235b'

multipliers = { 'k': 1e3,
                'm': 1e6,
                'b': 1e9,

pattern = r'([0-9.]+)([bkm])'for number, suffix in re.findall(pattern, input):
    number = float(number)
    print number * multipliers[suffix]

Solution 4:

Using lambda:

>>>tens = {'k': 10e3, 'm': 10e6, 'b': 10e9}>>>f = lambda x: int(float(x[:-1])*tens[x[-1]])>>>f('1.7m')

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