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How To Manipulate Data In Arrays Using Pandas (and Resetting Evaluations)

I've revised the question for clarity and removed artifacts and inconsistencies - please reopen for consideration by the community. One contributor already thinks a solution might

Solution 1:


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

df = pd.DataFrame({'col0':[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]

threshold = 2.71

grp = df['col2'].ge(threshold).cumsum().shift().bfill()

df['col3'] = df['col2'].groupby(grp).transform(lambda x: x.shift(-1).cummax().shift())



   col0  col1  col2  col3


Create grouping using greater or equal to threshold, then apply the same logic to each group withn at the dataframe using groupby with transform.

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