How To Pickle An Object Of A Class B (having Many Variables) That Inherits From A, That Defines __setstate__ And __getstate__
My problem is: class A(object): def __init__(self): #init def __setstate__(self,state): #A __setstate__ code here def __getstate__(self):
Solution 1:
According to the documentation, when __getstate__
isn't defined, the instance's __dict__
is pickled so maybe, you can use this to define your own state methods as a combination of the A
methods and the instance's __dict__
import pickle
self.a = 'A state'def__getstate__(self):
return {'a': self.a}
def__setstate__(self, state):
self.a = state['a']
self.b = 'B state'def__getstate__(self):
a_state = A.__getstate__(self)
b_state = self.__dict__
return (a_state, b_state)
def__setstate__(self, state):
a_state, b_state = state
self.__dict__ = b_state
A.__setstate__(self, a_state)
b = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(B()))
print b.a
print b.b
Solution 2:
The default behavior of Pickle is __getstate__
is not defined is to pickle the contents of the objects __dict__
attribute - that is where the instance attributes are stored.
Therefore it looks like in your case, all you need to do is to make A
's get and set state to preserve the values found in self.__dict__
and restore then at __setstate__
- this should preserve the instance variables of all instances of subclasses of A as well.
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