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How To Split Up Data From A Column In A Csv File Into Two Separate Output Csv Files?

I have a .csv file, e.g.: ID NAME CATEGORIES 1, x, AB 2, xx, AA 3, xxx, BA How would I get this to form two output .csv files based on the category e.g.: File 1: ID NAME CATEGO

Solution 1:

import csv

records = [line for line in csv.reader(open('test_input.csv', 'rt'), delimiter=',')]
outfile1 = open('test_output1.csv', 'wt')
outfile2 = open('test_output2.csv', 'wt')
outfileWriter1 = csv.writer(outfile1, delimiter=',')
outfileWriter2 = csv.writer(outfile2, delimiter=',')

# headers always the same

for record in records[1:]:
    cat = record[-1].strip() # get category in form "AB"
    new_record = record
    new_record[-1] = "\t%s" % cat[0] # set category for file 1 with tab as a prefix
    new_record[-1] = "\t%s" % cat[1] # set category for file 2 with tab as a prefix


Solution 2:

import csv
with open('input.csv') as f, open('file1.csv', 'w') as f1, open('file2.csv', 'w') as f2:
    header = next(f)    #read header
    reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',', skipinitialspace=True) 
    f1.write(header)    #write header
    f2.write(header)    #write header
    writ1 = csv.writer(f1, delimiter=',') 
    writ2 = csv.writer(f2, delimiter=',')
    for row in reader:
        c1, c2 = row[-1]          #split the category into c1 and c2
        writ1.writerow(row[:-1] + [c1])  #write c1 to file1
        writ2.writerow(row[:-1] + [c2])  #write c2 to file2

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