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Jython Swing: Passing More Than Self And Event On A Button Press

I'm creating a couple of swing JButtons buttons in a loop in Jython. On press, each button should call the same function, but with one different parameter. I'm having trouble passi

Solution 1:

A callback only takes what the code calling it (the GUI toolkit) passes in. If you want to pass in more and you can't convince said caller to pass on something extra, you're out of luck.

But luckily, there's a loophole: You can pass arbitrary callables, and you can construct partial functions, which are functions wrapping another function, remembering additional arguments to pass along whenever they are called.

import functools

defcallback(x, y):
    return x + y

g = functools.partial(callback, y=3)
g(2) #=> 5

There are a few issues with strange argument orders (e.g. you can't easily call partial with positional arguments if the first argument was supplied via keyword argument), but your use case (add arguments to the end of the argument list) should work just fine. You just need to use keyword arguments.

Solution 2:

I'm going with delnan's answer, but I did find another more problem specific solution that I'm going to use in this case and thought it would be worth passing along.

Instead of adding additional information to the function call, it's rather easy to use the event passed to get information on the caller.


for x inrange(0,3):
    name = JButton(str(x))
    name.actionPerformed =

deffoo(self, event):
   sender = event.getSource()
   print sender.getText()

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