Pandas - Get Values From Multindex Columns
I have the following dataframe df: H,Nu,City,Code,Code2 0.965392,15,Madrid,es,es 0.920614,15,Madrid,it,es 0.726219,16,Madrid,tn,es 0.739119,17,Madrid,fr,es 0.789923,55,Dublin,mt,en
Solution 1:
You can groupby
on 'City' and 'Code2', call first
on this and reset the index resulting in the following:
In [172]:
gp = df.groupby(['City','Code2'])['H'].first().reset_index()
City Code2 H
0 Dublin en 0.7899231 Madrid es 0.9653922 Milano it 0.789923
Then perform a left merge on your original df and select the 'H_y' column, the name comes from the fact that the columns clash and ffill
In [173]:
df['HCode'] = df.merge(gp, left_on=['City', 'Code'], right_on=['City', 'Code2'], how='left')['H_y'].ffill()
H Nu City Code Code2 HCode
00.96539215 Madrid es es 0.96539210.92061415 Madrid it es 0.96539220.72621916 Madrid tn es 0.96539230.73911917 Madrid fr es 0.96539240.78992355 Dublin mt en 0.96539250.69923957 Dublin en en 0.78992360.89046268 Dublin ar en 0.78992370.74686368 Dublin pt en 0.78992380.78992355 Milano it it 0.78992390.69923957 Milano es it 0.789923100.89046268 Milano ar it 0.789923110.74686368 Milano pt it 0.789923
Result of merge
to show what it produces:
df.merge(gp, left_on=['City', 'Code'], right_on=['City', 'Code2'])['H_y']Out[165]:
00.96539210.78992320.789923Name: H_y, dtype: float64
OK, IIUC you can group as before but then filter the group where 'Code2' equals 'Code' and then use this to merge against:
In [200]:
gp = df.groupby('City')
mask = gp.apply(lambda x: x['Code2'] == x['Code'])
lookup = df.loc[mask[mask].reset_index(level=0).index]
H Nu City Code Code2
50.69923957 Dublin en en
00.96539215 Madrid es es
80.78992355 Milano it it
In [202]:
df['HCode'] = df.merge(lookup, left_on=['City', 'Code'], right_on=['City', 'Code2'], how='left')['H_y'].ffill()
H Nu City Code Code2 HCode
00.96539215 Madrid es es 0.96539210.92061415 Madrid it es 0.96539220.72621916 Madrid tn es 0.96539230.73911917 Madrid fr es 0.96539240.78992355 Dublin mt en 0.96539250.69923957 Dublin en en 0.69923960.89046268 Dublin ar en 0.69923970.74686368 Dublin pt en 0.69923980.78992355 Milano it it 0.78992390.69923957 Milano es it 0.789923100.89046268 Milano ar it 0.789923110.74686368 Milano pt it 0.789923
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