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Prevent Ipython From Storing Outputs In Out Variable

I'm currently working with pandas and ipython. Since pandas dataframes are copied when you perform operations with it, my memory usage increases by 500 mb with every cell. I believ

Solution 1:

The first option you have is to avoid producing output. If you don't really need to see the intermediate results just avoid them and put all the computations in a single cell.

If you need to actually display that data you can use InteractiveShell.cache_size option to set a maximum size for the cache. Setting this value to 0 disables caching.

To do so you have to create a file called (or under your ~/.ipython/profile_default directory with the contents:

c = get_config()

c.InteractiveShell.cache_size = 0

After that you'll see:

In [1]: 1Out[1]: 1In [2]: Out[1]
KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent calllast)
----> 1 Out[1]

KeyError: 1

You can also create different profiles for ipython using the command ipython profile create <name>. This will create a new profile under ~/.ipython/profile_<name> with a default configuration file. You can then launch ipython using the --profile <name> option to load that profile.

Alternatively you can use the %reset out magic to reset the output cache or use the %xdel magic to delete a specific object:

In [1]: 1Out[1]: 1In [2]: 2Out[2]: 2In [3]: %reset out

Once deleted, variables cannot be recovered. Proceed (y/[n])? y
Flushing output cache (2 entries)

In [4]: Out[1]
KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent calllast)
----> 1 Out[1]

KeyError: 1In [5]: 1Out[5]: 1In [6]: 2Out[6]: 2In [7]: v =Out[5]

In [8]: %xdel v    # requires a variable name, so you cannot write %xdel Out[5]

In [9]: Out[5]     # xdel removes the valueof v fromOutand other caches
KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent calllast)
----> 1 Out[5]

KeyError: 5

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