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Removing Spaces And Empty Lines From A File Using Python

I have a file which contains a value 2000,00. But it contains spaces after 2000,00 and empty lines. I want to remove all the spaces and empty lines, if some one can give some Idea,

Solution 1:

strip() removes leading and trailing whitespace characters.

withopen("transfer-out/" + file, "r") as f:
    for line in f:
        cleanedLine = line.strip()
        if cleanedLine: # is not emptyprint(cleanedLine)

Then you can redirect the script into a file python > file.txt, for example.

Solution 2:

Another one with list comprehension:

clean_lines = []
withopen("transfer-out/" + file, "r") as f:
    lines = f.readlines()
    clean_lines = [l.strip() for l in lines if l.strip()]

withopen("transfer-out/"+file, "w") as f:

Solution 3:

Change your 'lines' line to use the following generator and it should do the trick.

lines = (line.strip() for line in fh.readlines() if len(line.strip()))

Solution 4:

This should work as you wish:

file(filename_out, "w").write(file(filename_in).read().strip())

EDIT: Although previous code works in python 2.x, it does not work python 3 (see @gnibbler comment) For both version use this:

open(filename_out, "w").write(open(filename_in).read().strip())

Solution 5:

Functional one :)

import string
from itertools import ifilter, imap

print'\n'.join(ifilter(None, imap(string.strip, open('data.txt'))))
# for big files use manual loop over lines instead of join


$ yes"2000,00  " | head -n 100000 > data.txt$ python -c "print '\n'*100000" >> data.txt$ wc -l data.txt 
200001 data.txt
$ python > output.txt$ wc -l output.txt 
100000 output.txt

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