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Replace Two Backslashes With A Single Backslash

I want to replace a string with two backslashes with single backslashes. However replace doesn't seem to accept '\\' as the replacement string. Here's the interpreter output: >&

Solution 1:

Your output doesn't have double backslashes. What you are looking at is the repr() value of the string and that displays with escaped backslashes. Assuming your temp_folder would have double backslashes, you should instead use:

print(temp_folder.replace('\\\\', '\\'))

and that will show you:


which also drops the quotes.

But your temp_folder is unlikely to have double backslashes and this difference in display probably got you thinking that there are double backslashes in the return value from tempfile.gettempdir(). As @Jean-Francois indicated, there should not be (at least not on Windows). So you don't need to use the .replace(), just print:


Solution 2:

This works for me

text = input('insert text')
list = text.split('\\')
text2 = ''for items in list:
    if items != '':
        text += items + '\\'print(text2)

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