Spark Request With Time
I want to make a request to find the most busy time of the day on average in 1-hour intervals. I have on my dataframe the row date in format '%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S'. I begin like that:
Solution 1:
You can use built-in Spark date functions:
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
logDF = sqlContext.createDataFrame([("2015-12-01 21:04:00", 1), ("2015-12-01 10:04:00", 2), ("2015-12-01 21:07:00", 9), ("2015-12-01 21:34:00", 1)], ['somedate', 'someother'])
busyTimeDF = logDF.groupBy(year("somedate").alias("cnt_year"), \
month("somedate").alias("cnt_month"), \
dayofmonth("somedate").alias("cnt_day"), \
hour('somedate').alias("cnt_hour")) \
cond = [busyTimeDF.cnt_year == year(logDF.somedate), \
busyTimeDF.cnt_month == month(logDF.somedate), \
busyTimeDF.cnt_day == dayofmonth(logDF.somedate), \
busyTimeDF.cnt_hour == hour(logDF.somedate)]
busyTimeDF.join(logDF, cond).select('somedate', 'cntHour').show()
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