What Is The Best Way To Handle Sql Connection In Http Server (flask) Without Orm In Python?
I am using Flask with MySQL (MariaDB) database. To handle sql connection and cursor I use self-made context manager. I open and close connection inside each Flask http request hadl
Solution 1:
Try to pool connections
From offical docs:
A pool opens a number of connections and handles thread safety when providing connections to requesters
Implementing connection pooling, you can reuse existing connections
dbconfig = {
"database": "test",
"user": "joe"
cnxpool = mysql.connector.connect(pool_name = "mypool",
pool_size = 3, # or any number to suit your need
# then to get a connection from pool use
cnx = cnxpool.get_connection()
For more see: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/connector-python/en/connector-python-connection-pooling.html
Solution 2:
If anybody is interested in the approach of handling sql connection without ORM, I made the following steps to combine MySQL Connections Pool, context manager and Flask:
SQL_CONN_POOL = pooling.MySQLConnectionPool(
@contextmanagerdefmysql_connection_from_pool() -> "conn":
conn_pool = SQL_CONN_POOL # get connection from the pool, all the rest is the same# you can add print(conn_pool) here to be sure that pool# is the same for each http request
_conn = conn_pool.get_connection()
yield _conn
except (Exception, Error) as ex:
# if error happened all made changes during the connection will be rolled back:
# this statement re-raise error to let it be handled in outer scope:raiseelse:
# if everything is fine commit all changes to save them in db:
# actually it returns cursor to the pool, rather than close it
@contextmanagerdefmysql_curs_from_pool() -> "curs":
with mysql_connection_from_pool() as _conn:
_curs = _conn.cursor()
yield _curs
I used the following links to answer the question:
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