What Is An Efficient Way To Do An And/or Search Django-postgres App?
In my Django app I have a Publication model and a Tag model which have a many to many relationship. Let's say I have four tags: men, women, fashion, design. I want to find all pub
Solution 1:
I'm not sure if there is a way to do this. I wanted to say try combining filter with Q but then chanced upon these:
Combining AND OR in Django Queries
Solution 2:
I think I may have found a solution to my own question. If I have the following tags:
query1 = "men"query2 = "women"query3 = "fashion"query4 = "design"
And I want to find all publications that have men OR women AND fashion OR design tags, it seems to work if I do:
pubs = Publication.objects.filter(Q(tags__title__iexact=query1) | Q(tags__title__iexact=query2) and (Q(tags__title__iexact=query3) | Q(tags__title__iexact=query4)))
After looking at this question: Django query filter combining AND and OR with Q objects don't return the expected results, I changed one of the suggested solutions (which had not been accepted) to use 'and' instead of '&' and it seems to be working although I have no idea why.
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