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Attributeerror While Implementing Famd With Smotenc In A Imblearn Pipeline

I'm trying to implement a pipeline with FAMD, SMOTENC, and other preprocessing steps. However it gives error each time. If i remove FAMD from the pipeline it works fine. My code: #

Solution 1:

tl;dr: try adding sparse=False to your OneHotEncoder. Consider raising an Issue with prince, to handle sparse inputs.

You can see from the traceback that the problem is that tries X.select_dtypes to separate categorical and numeric data. select_dtypes is a pandas function, so normally I would assume that prince is written to operate on dataframes and not the numpy arrays that sklearn uses internally (after converting from frames if necessary). However, looking at the source, a few lines above that one they do convert from numpy array to dataframe. But, the last trace message is from scipy. That hints that your X may actually be a sparse array. And indeed OneHotEncoder (earlier in your pipeline) prefers to output sparse arrays, and ColumnTransformer determines whether to transform into sparse or dense depending on its component parts and the parameter sparse_threshold.

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