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Class Method Composition

I want to compose functions by method chaining them. My goal is to achieve something like collect(10, mul(3).div(2).add(10)) which should do add(10)(div(2)(mul(3)*10)) which result

Solution 1:

I've been thinking about this for a few days.

You should definitely not use global. The simple method for you is to put the entire thing inside another class, then access container as an instance variable.

But I think there's a trivial way that you've missed. This is similar to what you've done where the class has to predefine each specific method it wants to be able to chain.

    def__init__(self, n):
        self._n = n

        return self._n

    defadd(self, x):
        self._n += x
        return self

    defdiv(self, x):
        self._n /= x
        return self

# 6.0

I don't like this because it's not very generic; it operates on the basis of side-effects; and you need to have everything defined from the outset.

So here's a more generic setup where you have a Composer which manages the functions you can chain, and a Chainable which alternates between two states:

  1. Storing the "current value" and the next function
  2. Storing the result of the previous function

The composer has a decorator built in which allows you to register other generic functions at a later time.

from typing import *
from dataclasses import dataclass

T = TypeVar("T")  # the initial data
Func = Callable[[T], T]  # the function that transforms the data
RegisteredFunc = Callable[[Any], Func]  # the function that returns the function that transforms the dataclassComposer:functions: Dict[str, RegisteredFunc]

        self.functions = {}

    defregister(self, func: RegisteredFunc) -> RegisteredFunc:self.functions[func.__name__] = func
        return func

@dataclassclassChainable:data: T
    fun: Optional[RegisteredFunc] = None
    composer: Optional["Composer"] = None

    def__getattr__(self, item) -> "Chainable":
        return Chainable(, self.composer.functions[item], self.composer)

    def__call__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "Chainable":
        next_data =*args, **kwargs)(
        return Chainable(next_data, composer=self.composer)

        return str(

        return repr(

comp = Composer()

defadd(x) -> Func:returnlambdan: n + x

defdiv(x) -> Func:returnlambdan: n / x

print(repr(Chainable(10, composer=comp).add(2).div(2)))
# 6.0

print(repr(Chainable(1, composer=comp).add(2).add(1).add(2).div(4)))
# 1.5

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