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Efficiency Of Display Lists In Opengl With Python?

I have been teaching myself OpenGL programming using the Python wrapper PyOpenGL, and am now working on my first project with it. This project is a music visualizer (not dissimila

Solution 1:

It is like the common sense was wrong. You manually restore the transformation (glTranslatef(-x,-y,-z)) after drawing the cube, this way glPopMatrix is not only called twice for no reason, but it is also useless because you did all the work for it. Correct code would like like so:

for x in xrange(...):
    for z in xrange(...):
        y = height[x,z] #numpy array
        glPushMatrix() #Remember the matrix
        glTranslatef(x,y,z) #change the matrix
        glPopMatrix() #Restore tha matrix as it was before glTranslate changed it

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