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Elasticbeanstalk Gcc And Python-devel Installation

I'm trying to run a flask application which has pandas dependency. Without having python-devel installed, pandas cannot be installed. So first I need to install gcc-c++ and python

Solution 1:

When I created a yaml file in .ebextensions instead of .elasticbeanstalk, it worked. I was simply putting the yaml file under the wrong directory.


packages:yum:gcc-c++: []
    python3?-devel.x*: []

I got error while trying to install python-devel: []:

Command failed on instance. Return code: 1 Output: Yum does not have python-devel available for installation

So the correct devel package name, in my case, is either 'python27-devel.x86_64' or 'python35-devel.x86_64'

How to install python3-devel on red hat 7

Solution 2:

Pandas and NumPy seem to give the most trouble whatever way you go to deploy something. I haven't used elastic-beanstalk myself but have done it direct on servers and in docker.

Can see one difference with what you have and what worked for me. I think you need both gcc and g++ as per this

So perhaps add a line before those last lines of yours:

packages:yum:gcc: []
    gcc-c++: []
    python-devel: []

Am just translating accross what worked in another area.

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