Find Index Of Nested Item In Python
I've been working with some relatively complex arrays such as: array = [ '1', 2, ['4', '5', ('a', 'b')], ('c', 'd')] and I was looking for a way to find an item and retrieve is 'i
Solution 1:
What you want is something like:
defmyindex(lst, target):
for index, item inenumerate(lst):
if item == target:
return [index]
ifisinstance(item, (list, tuple)):
path = myindex(item, target)
if path:
return [index] + path
return []
Being recursive, this will deal with arbitrary depth of nesting (up to the recursion limit).
For your example array
, I get:
>>>myindex(array, "a")
[2, 2, 0]
As Adam alludes to in the comments, explicitly checking instance types isn't very Pythonic. A duck-typed, "easier to ask for forgiveness than permission" alternative would be:
defmyindex(lst, target):
for index, item inenumerate(lst):
if item == target:
return [index]
ifisinstance(item, str): # or 'basestring' in 2.xreturn []
path = myindex(item, target)
except TypeError:
if path:
return [index] + path
return []
The specific handling of strings is necessary as even an empty string can be iterated over, causing endless recursion.
Solution 2:
array = [ "1", 2, ["4", "5", ("a", "b")], ("c", "d")]
deffind_index(array, item, index=None):
ifnot index:
index = []
i = array.index(item)
for new_array in array:
ifhasattr(new_array, '__iter__'):
i = find_index(new_array, item, index+[array.index(new_array)])
if i:
return i
return index + [i]
This gives:
>>> find_index(array, 1)
>>> find_index(array, "1")
>>> find_index(array, 2)
>>> find_index(array, "4")
[2, 0]
Solution 3:
I'm a bit late to the party, but I spent several minutes on it so I feel like it ought to be posted anyway :)
defgetindex(container, target, chain=None):
if chain isNone: chain = list()
for idx, item inenumerate(container):
if item == target:
return chain + [idx]
ifisinstance(item, collections.Iterable) andnotisinstance(item, str):
# this should be ... not isinstance(item, basestring) in python2.x
result = getindex(item, target, chain + [idx])
if result:
return result
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