How Can I Play A Sound While Other Lines Of Code Execute Simultaneously?
Solution 1:
You need to play the sound on another thread, so your other code can be executing at the same time.
import time
import winsound
from threading import Thread
winsound.PlaySound("dank", winsound.SND_ALIAS)
thread = Thread(target=play_sound)
print ('ligma')
EDIT: I have moved the thread declaration into the loop. My initial answer had it created outside of the loop, which caused a RuntimeError. Learn more here:
Solution 2:
It's called asynchronous sound, and the winsound.SND_ASYNC
flag on PlaySound
will let you play a sound while your code continues to execute:
winsound.PlaySound("dank", winsound.SND_ALIAS|winsound.SND_ASYNC)
From memory, this will give you a single sound channel i.e. playing other sounds will cut off any currently playing sounds. If more concurrent playback is required, something like PyGame is required.
Solution 3:
There is an optional second argument that is set to True automatically. To play music asynchronously set that argument to False.
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