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Os X And Ctypes: How To Retrieve Raw Pixels From Cgdataprovidercopydata()?

I am trying to capture the screen using only the ctypes modules. Unfortunately I cannot retrieve raw pixel from CGDataProviderCopyData. I need to get an access to raw data: #!/usr/

Solution 1:

I have no experience with the CoreGraphics API, but looking at the documentation it looks like CGDataProviderCopyData returns a CFDataRef object. The documentat for CFDataRef has a section on "Examining a CFData Object" which describes a CFDataGetLength function and a CFDataGetBytePtr function which return the length of the data and a UInt8*.

Solution 2:

Thanks to Snorfalorpagus, I finally succeed:

data = cgs.CGDataProviderCopyData(prov)
data_ref = cgs.CFDataGetBytePtr(data)
buf_len = cgs.CFDataGetLength()
image_data = cast(data_ref, POINTER(c_ubyte * buf_len))

# Raw pixels are in image_data.contents

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